During the last term of council we’ve focused on setting the region up for growth, putting in place plans and structures that were missing for decades.

Now it’s time for our region to prosper again!

  • Population Growth

    It shocked me when I realised the population had not changed in the 30 years I’d been away from Armidale. What shocked me more was being told, State and Federal Governments projected the region’s population to decrease in the coming years, with funding and their interest to match.

    With most of the problems we identify in the region being a symptom of low and stagnant population, it was critical to turn this perception around and demonstrate how we will increase the population.

    Council’s recently published Local Strategic Planning Statement “Toward 50,000” provides confidence for investment and development.

  • Economic Growth

    Our population needs to grow and to do that we need job creation. Our Local Strategic Planning Statement “Toward 50,000” has identified critical engine room industries, particularly protected, intensive horticulture as significant drawcard which will drive population growth. Other jobs and industries will be drawn to the region as a result.

    This council is now set up with a growth mindset to facilitate new opportunities and attract new businesses and families to the region.

  • Housing Growth

    With growth in industry and jobs, more housing will be required. The Local Housing Strategy published by Council has identified a staged growth strategy to accommodate the increasing population and provides confidence and certainty to developers.

    Thousands of housing lots have been re-zoned to enable the expansion of Armidale, Guyra and the villages in the region, providing a range of development options from lifestyle blocks to affordable and social housing.

  • Tourism Growth

    Our region, abundant in natural attractions hasn’t had any significant tourism investment for decades.

    Tourism was once a thriving industry in the region with coordinated, strategic deployment. We need to ensure all key tourism success factors are enabled to put the region back on the map as a destination.

    The tourist dollar is crucial for our local economy and ultimately our future. Tourism has been a significant contributor in the past and can be again.